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파이썬 flask - redis - celery 구조

by lumination 2024. 3. 14.


Flask webframework

redis broker

celery async worker


구조로 사용할 것이다.

title excel upload api

participant User
participant Web App (Flask)
participant Redis
participant Celery Worker
participant DB

User->Web App (Flask):GET /excel
User<--Web App (Flask):response
User->Web App (Flask):POST /excel/upload

Web App (Flask)->Redis:Enqueue a new task to the broker
Redis<-Celery Worker:Worker picks up task from queue
Celery Worker->DB:Update result
User->Web App (Flask):Check the status of the task
User<--Web App (Flask):response

'Dev' 카테고리의 다른 글

flask  (0) 2024.04.12
APM, JAVA Agent  (0) 2024.03.06