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vue.js state machine https://dev.to/decoeur_/managing-state-with-vuex---the-guide-i-wish-id-had-28h 2024. 7. 9.
[펌] Redis KEYS vs SCAN 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2024. 7. 2.
vue.js npm install -g @ vue/cli vue create test> default (babel, eslint)> {enter}src/assetssrc/componentsApp.vuemain.js.gitignorebabel.config.jspackage.json npm run servehttp://localhost:8080  components/layout/Header.vue 생성 #부트스트랩 설치http://bootstrap-vue.orgnpm install vue bootstrap-vue bootstrap 2024. 5. 27.
windows에서 ext4 mount https://learn.microsoft.com/ko-kr/windows/wsl/install  Windows 업데이트 참가자 설정: 개발자 채널 powershell 관리자 모드에서 수행 wmic diskdrive list briefCaption DeviceID Model Partitions SizeWD Elements 2621 USB Device \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1 WD Elements 2621 USB Device 1 4000751516160ATA SanDisk SDSSDH3 SCSI Disk Devi.. 2024. 5. 4.
flask WSGI Server (Gunicorn, uWSGI, mod_wsgi 또는 내장 werkzeug 벡자이크) 출처: etloveguitar.tistory/92 import random import threading import time from werkzeug.local import LocalStack thread_data_stack = LocalStack() def long_running_function(thread_index): thread_data_stack.push(f'index: {thread_index}, thread_id: {threading.get_native_id()}') print(f'Starting thread #{thread_index}... {thread_data_stack}') t.. 2024. 4. 12.
파이썬 flask - redis - celery 구조 파이썬 Flask webframework redis broker celery async worker 구조로 사용할 것이다. title excel upload api participant User participant Web App (Flask) participant Redis participant Celery Worker participant DB User->Web App (Flask):GET /excel UserWeb App (Flask):POST /excel/upload Web App (Flask)->Redis:Enqueue a new task to the broker RedisDB:Update result User->Web App (Flask):Check the status of the task U.. 2024. 3. 14.